Monday, June 21, 2010

Draw! Challenge #2: Outlaw

So for my box-art I decided to go with a western theme, mostly because I've been playing red dead recently. There was a lot of experimentation in this work. I added textures to give it a grainy feel. As well as some layer blending and smudge tools for fire effects. I tried to play with brush styles a lot too.

I tried to give it a dark tone to contrast the bright 'flame powers' of the protagonist. I also tried to bring in the center of focus onto the center of the box. Which I believe is appropriate for box art because that's the furthest point from all other illustrations you might see on the wall at your local video store. To add mood I dried to give the edge a dry dusty feel... though the successfulness of that attempt is variable.

This notably took longer than I wanted too and it still could have been better, so I hope to improve some of my strategies here. I look forward to the next challenge.

[Edit] Gryph will be a little late this week, we'll put up the poll asap.


  1. Finally! I have internet back! Dude! This is awesome! I like the dusty effect!

  2. Also he reminds me of Vash, which makes it rock!
